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*Feel free to use any of my interviews. These are all part of our collective LGBTQ history. If used for quotes or reprint, simply credit me with usage... and be sure to spell my name right.
Acito, Marc (2004)
Adams, Paul (1993)
Allison, Dorothy (1994)
Alyson, Sasha (1992)
Ascher, Barbara Lazear (1994)
Bechdel, Alison (1994)
Berlin, Peter (2018)
Blakk, Joan Jett (1992)
Bornstein, Kate (1995/1998)
Bouley, Charles Karel (2004)
Bowen, Judy (2016)
Bright, Susie (1993)
Brite, Poppy Z. (1997)
Browning, Frank (1993/1996)
Busch, Charles (1994/2003)
Camp, Devlyn (2018)
Carrier, Joseph (1996)
Cassara, Joseph (2018)
Chauncey, George (1994/2004)
Cooper, Bernard, (1993/1997)
Cooper, Dennis (1992)
Craggs, Charlie (2018)
Crisp, Quentin (1993/1995/1997)
Cruse, Howard (1995)
Cunningham, Michael (1995)
Daughters of Bilitis, Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon (1992)
Davis, Vaginal (2018)
de la Croix, Sukie (2018)
DeCaro, Frank (1997)
DeCoteau, David (2005)
Dillard, Gavin Geoffrey (1997)
DiMassa, Diane (1993)
Donnelly, Nisa (1995)
Donoghue, Emma (1994)
Doty, Mark (1996)
Drake, David (1994)
Dubois, Denise Chanterelle (2017)
Economy, Michael/Pansy Beat (2018)
Epstein, A.J. (2011)
Eubanks, Tom (2017)
Feinberg, David B. (1991/1992)
Fieseler, Robert W. (2018)
Flint, Jim & Ralla Klepak discuss 1968 (2018)
Ford, Robert (1993)
France, David (1992)
Fries, Kenny (1997/2018)
Fritscher, Jack (1995)
Galindo, Rudy (1997)
Gaynor, Gloria (1997)
Gilgun, John (1991)
Gomez, Jewelle (1993)
Gurganus, Allan (1997)
Hadleigh, Boze (1995/1997)
Hardy, James Earl (1995)
Harris, E. Lynn (1994)
Hay, Harry (1992)
Heim, Scott (1995)
Herman, Jerry (1996)
Heron, Ann (1994)
Holleran, Andrew (1996)
Hollinghurst, Allan (1995)
Hooven, F. Valentine III (1993)
Ian, Janis (1993)
Indiana, Gary (1993)
Ischar, Doug (2017)
Jackson-Paris, Bob and Rod (1994)
Kelly, Alan Rowe (2018)
Kelly, Clinton (2017)
Klepak, Ralla & Jim Flint discuss 1968 (2018)
Koestenbaum, Wayne (1994)
Lady Bunny (2018)
Leavitt, David (1993/1997)
Lepore, Amanda (2017)
Lyon, Phyllis/Del Martin - Daughters of Bilitis (1992)
Lypsinka (2018)
Makkai, Rebecca (2018)
Maney, Mabel (1995)
Manrique, Jaime (1993)
Marcus, Eric (1992)
Martin, Del/Phyllis Lyon - Daughters of Bilitis (1992)
Martina, Dina (2019).
Matousek, Mark (1996)
McPherson, Scott (1992)
Miller, Neil (1994)
Minj, Ginger (2019)
Monette, Paul (1992/1994)
Monks, The (1993)
Mordden, Ethan (1998)
Nestle, Joan (1993)
Newman, Leslea (1997)
Nichols, Jack (2004)
O'Hara, Scott (1997)
Paglia, Camille (1995)
Pansy Beat/Michael Economy (2018)
Peck, Dale (1997)
Picano, Felice (1998)
Plato, Dana (1998)
Pomo Afro Homos (1993)
Poole, Wakefield (2018)
Preston, John (1992/1994)
Raia, Philip (2016)
Raphael, Lev (1993)
Rechy, John (2018)
Renslow, Chuck (2004)
Rist, Darrell Yates (1993)
Roberts, Laurence (1994)
RuPaul (1995)
Sanello, Frank (2005)
Sapphire (1996)
Sargent, Dick (1992)
Schulman, Sarah (1993)
Schwartz, Leo (2018)
Scott, D. Travers (1997)
Selvadurai, Shyam (1996)
Sergios, Paul (1993)
Sermak, Kathryn (2017)
Shears, Jake (2018)
Siegel, Stanley (1994)
Signorile, Michelangelo (1994)
Silverstein, Dr. Charles (1992)
Simpson, Linda (2018)
Smith, James Monroe (1996)
Steffan, Joe (1992)
Stensland, Paul (1993)
Steward , Samuel (1993/1994)
Stuart, Jason (2008)
Summit, Marge (2017)
Tobia, Jacob (2019)
Tent, Pam/The Cockettes (2004)
Tourette, Pussy (1996)
Trinidad, David (1995)
Tune, Tommy (1997)
Villanueva, Chea (1995)
Warren, Patricia Nell (1995)
White, Edmund (1994/1996/1998)
Wilson, Steve & Joe Fiorenski (2005)
Wojnarowicz, David (1991)
Woodlawn, Holly (1992/1995)
Woods, James, (1994)
Zakar Twins, The (2018)
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